Bruins P.A.W.S. - Move

Use planned regular Movement breaks throughout the day to increase your overall daily activity. Use the resources below to guide you on your movement journey. Work-to-movement break ratios can be one every 30 minutes, 60 minutes or 2 hours.

Monthly Movement Calendars

Designed by our top fitness professionals, the Bruin PAWS Movement Calendars make increasing your physical activity each day easy! We've planned all your movement breaks for you. We've included instructional videos for each exercise to ensure you're exercising with good form, and we've suggested repetition and set ranges that meet your fitness level. Choose the monthly goal that's right for you. If you've been sedentary or are just starting out, start with "Beat Bruinertia." Additional monthly calendars with different goals are added regularly. Short movement breaks throughout your day add up! Change the way you work! Increase activity. Decrease pain. Increase productivity. Feel better!

Choose Your Own Adventure Movement Guide

Utilize the MoveMail service, video libraries and PDF Guides to curate your own movement breaks.

MoveMail Videos

Explore a library of workday movement break ideas

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Office Agility

UCLA Recreation Video Library

PDF Guides 

Bruin PAWS - Strength Exercises Guide

Bruin PAWS - Stretch Exercises Guide

Bruin PAWS - Myofascial Release Guide